I confess I laid all my kids down early last night, made Bella take bottles, and took some Benadryll so I could get a full nights sleep last night.
I confess my youngest son has been in the same pair of underwear for 2 1/2 days because I feel too crummy to do laundry and because I'm mad that he's managed to lose 10 pairs of underwear in the past month.
I confess I'm on my 4th cup of coffee today.
I confess the only reason I agreed that we would go to my older brother's birthday dinner tonight was so that I wouldn't have to cook and clean tonight.
I confess I let Bella just lay in bed and cry this morning so I could make some desperatly needed coffee this morning... and yesterday morning too.
I confess I've been in the same pai of jammies for the past 3 days including when I went to pick Zach up from school yesterday.
I confess I sent Zach to school without his backpack yesterday because I was too lazy to drive 1o minutes to my mom's to get it.
I confess I've spent most of the past week holding Bella all day because as soon as I set her down she wakes up and screams.
I confess I've just been filling the dog food bowl as full as it will go and letting the dog eat on it throughout the day until it is empty instead of remembering to feed her twice a day.
I confess i have not ate a real meal in a week.
I confess Bella is lying in bed crying because I don't feel like playing the hold me all day mommy game today. She's been fed, and changed and I held her until she feel asleep, she's just tired.
I confess Ryan should have laid down 30 minutes ago, but I didn't feel like fighting that battle today.

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