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Friday, December 23, 2011

Coming and Going

I’m sure y’all are wondering on what is going to be moved over to the new blog and what isn’t. So today I am going to give an idea of what is switching over.

Of course the following are moving with me:

And I’ll be introducing a new category:

Saturday Snapshots will not be moving over. Saturdays have just gotten too hectic to guarantee a post. However, I will be doing this:

I’ll still be posting other things like rants, holiday recaps, and cooking stuff, but they aren’t getting their own fancy category tag (these listed can all be easily found under the “Found on the Blog” section of my new blog). I’m actually not too sure if I will post as many recipes anymore though. At the beginning of the year we’ll be starting a 6 week meal plan that we will rotate through the year, and most of the recipes on it aren’t of my own making.

I’ll be back later with a little on the whys of the move.

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